Cable Recycling is a WordPress Website with Custom Plugin Development done for the order quote.

Web Design


Cable recycling screenshot


About the Client

Midas Group excels in creating cable recycling machines including Shredders, Granulators and Much more. So since they do deal in variety of products they wanted to created a unique and custom quotation system which is also gives a unique visual representation of each part of the entire product. The client from the start was sure that he wants to create a unique quotation process.

We did a Strategy session with the client and discussed the details of the project based on the specification that was prepared during the meeting, We decided to chose Custom Plugin development method to deliver the results. We created Custom theme and then integrated that with out plugin.


  • Category :Plugin Development
  • Client :Midas


The Working Challenge


The Project needed a unique quote system, so we started with the first getting logic sorted for that one. We created a Custom WordPress theme and then integrated with a custom order process which also has a visual representation of all the part and addons tha can be bought with the machines.

  1. Custom Theme Development
  2. Custom Plugin Development
  3. Photoshop Image Creation for Quote generator.


Our Working Process


Custom Theme Development

We started with the development of custom WordPress theme that will be used as root design for the website including Quote generator.

Cable recycling screenshot

Custom Plugin Development

The custom quote system was the main point of focus for us, It was the primary requirement raised by the client. So we put our best efforts in creating a fully automated system which gave his client entire freedom to get a quote for any combination of machines with any addon that they might need for there business.

Cable recycling screenshot

Final Photoshop Work

The Custom Quote process that the client needed on his website, It also had a unique visual representation of each machine and addon being selected So we worked our charm on Photoshop to create custom images that can work as the final puzzle piece that completed the project.

Cable recycling screenshot
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Have any project for us?

Thinking of developing a similar project, We offer free consultations to all our clients. Please get in touch with us so we can do a project feasibility session and create a Project specification which can be used to create an exact Project Estimate and Timeline.